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How Much Weight Can You Put on a Ute Canopy?

Do you use your ute to carry unconventional loads that just don't fit in a standard ute tray? Or are you looking to maximise the load capacity of your ute while still ensuring that it is safe on the roads? If so, you might want to consider installing a ute canopy. Ute canopies accommodate loads so that you can maximise the available storage space especially if your goods don't fit in the ute tray. They also have lockable compartments offering extra safety for work equipment and materials. There are, however, different weight limits on different types of ute canopies. These weight limits vary depending on the manufacturer's build. 

What Are Ute Canopies?

Ute canopies are enclosures that cover the trays of utility vehicles so that you can protect your goods from the elements, theft, and work-related activities. They are also used to maximise the storage of your ute, and can be custom-made for different types of work.

Weight Limit of Different Ute Canopies Types

Different canopies are rated to different weight limits.

Ute canopies usually come in different types, and all these types have their specific weight limits. There are aluminium canopies, fibreglass canopies, and also canvas canopies. As we can see, all these canopies are made of different materials which have different structural strengths. This means that the canopies also come with different weights, limiting the amount of weight you can put on them. Let's discuss the limits of these three different types of canopies:

1). Aluminum Canopies – 200kg Weight Limit

Aluminium canopies typically have an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, which means it has the strength to hold a good amount of weight while still being lightweight. As much as aluminium is deemed light, it is still metal, and a canopy can weigh around 400kg to 700kgs on its own. Using aluminium with such weight properties, therefore, reduces the amount of weight you can carry in it. Consequently, its weight limit is 200kgs. This 200kgs limit can be increased by using a thin sheet of aluminium and bracing it with steel bars which can increase the limit by 50 kilos. However, the latter method is uncommon and only done upon request.

2.) Fiberglass Canopies – 120kg Weight Limit

Fibreglass has seen widespread industry use recently. It is plastic that has been reinforced with fibreglass. As we know, plastic is a very lightweight material, and it can be molded into virtually any shape. Fibreglass is used as it gives the vehicle good aesthetics while still ensuring that you maximise your space. Better yet, it can withstand external factors. However, such canopies cannot carry so much weight and mostly accommodate a maximum of 120kgs. Even with the 120kg limit, they will still show a flex, and it is recommended to do 100kg on them with no flex.

3.) Canvas Canopies – 40-70kg Weight Limit

Canvas, much like tents, is flexible and can tear easily. Depending on how much it has been tightened and the layers of material that have been stitched on, such canopies can carry weight limits between 40 – 70 kg on the roof at their best. Tightening can increase the weight limit but this can also make it more prone to tears. It is good to tighten canvas at the proper tension to maximise the weight you want to carry on them. The shape of the cargo can also matter, so it is best to take objects with flat surfaces on them.

Final Thoughts

So, how much weight can you put on a ute canopy? As we have seen, weight limits depend on the canopies you plan to use. They all have their pros which make them suitable for a particular use, but they also have their share of cons which limits the weight that you can carry with them.

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